Which State Pays Security Guards the Best? – Economic Development Jobs

The fifth position is in Hawaii. The state’s security guards earn up to 15.75dollar per hour. Why is this so? Hawaii is one of the most expensive states, which also goes to security. North Dakota is fourth, with security guards earning up to $16.30 an hour. Security guards can still make significant money in the state in spite of it being among the cheapest. This is due to an abundance of security guards. Washington is the next state in which security guards earn an average of 16.78 per hour.
The second position is in Washington DC where they earn an average of $19.62 per hour. The top spot is Alaska which pays security guards earn $20.30 per hour. This is due to being in the energy sector. Therefore, the need for security guards is extremely high. Security guards must be able to understand the difference in salaries between states, so they can choose the one they prefer. swfdcchudo.

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